Ovarian cancer
In this episode of the Primary Care Knowledge Boost Podcast doctors Lisa and Sara talk to Dr Charlotte Bădescu about ovarian cancer.
In this episode of the Primary Care Knowledge Boost Podcast doctors Lisa and Sara talk to Dr Charlotte Bădescu about ovarian cancer.
In this episode of the Primary Care Knowledge Boost Podcast doctors Lisa and Sara talk to Dr Uma Marthi who is a GP with a specialist interest in gynaecology about red flags for gynaecological cancers.
In this podcast Lisa and Sara speak with Dr Sarah Taylor and Dr Viren Mehta about the challenges in general practice at the moment in assessing and investigating patients for suspected cancer symptoms.
The RCGP clinical toolkits have been developed in partnership between the RCGP Clinical Innovation and Research Centre (CIRC) and our funding and delivery partners. They can be used to assist in the delivery of safe and effective care to patients.
The RCGP has produced eLearning modules to compliment the QI Ready network and self-accreditation process. There are a suite of three modules that will assist you in better understanding quality improvement methodologies.
This brief guide to safety netting for cancer diagnosis in primary care aims to support healthcare professionals to detect cancers earlier and minimise delayed diagnoses.
This collection of resources are designed to support general practices to deliver effective Cancer Significant Event Analysis training sessions.
These fictional example cancer singnificant event analyses (SEAs) demonstrate a varying range of quality. Each contains detailed notes showing both positive and negative examples of reflection, subsequent actions, and impacts following a cancer diagnosis.
This collection of resources have been developed with a ‘train the trainer’ approach as a guide to the process involved in completing an effective cancer significant event analysis (SEA).
This toolkit developed by Macmillan Cancer Support aims to support the primary care professionals to develop initiatives and programmes which have a positive impact on the care of people daiagnosed with cancer, their families and carers.
This joint initiative undertaken by the RCGP, the National Cancer Action Team and Macmillan Cancer Support, offered anonymised external peer assessment of Significant Event Audits of cancer diagnosis.