Audit tea breaks – Clinical Audit Awareness Week
HQIP have produced some resources to support organisations holding ‘audit tea breaks’ as part of Clinical Audit Awareness Week. The resources include a poster, an invite for staff, a quiz and conversation tips. The resources are available here.Guide to managing ethical issues in quality improvement or clinical audit projects
This guide is intended to help those responsible to review and develop arrangements for the effective ethics oversight of QI and clinical audit activities, as required.Healthcare Quality Improvement Partnership
The Healthcare Quality Improvement Partnership is an independent organisation aims to improve health outcomes by enabling those who commission, deliver and receive healthcare to measure and improve our healthcare services. The HQIP website offers resources and support to help measure and improve healthcare services, especially in the areas of national clinical audit and quality improvement.An introduction to statistics for local clinical audit and improvement
This guide sets out the basics of statistical data analysis and presentation for those involved in local clinical audit and improvement projects.What is clinical audit? And other frequently asked questions
A simple guide covering common FAQs on clinical audit.Guide to quality improvement methods
The guide brings together twelve quality improvement (QI) methods, providing an overview of each and practical advice on how and when to implement them, with illustrative case examples.How to develop a patient-friendly clinical audit report
HQIP's definitive guide to developing clinical audit reports and tools suitable for patients, carers and other lay readers and useful to all involved in clinical audit and quality improvement, featuring guidance, tips, examples and case studies.
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There are 7 resources with the author Healthcare Quality Improvement Partnership in the general practice hub.