• The General Practice podcasts

    The General Practice podcasts published by Ockham Healthcare cover a wide range of issues faced by general practitioners and colleuegs in local primary care teams.
  • Time for Care learning in action programme

    The Time for Care programme is at the heart of the General Practice Forward View's support for practices to redesign their care and manage demand more sustainably. Using a variety of means this initiative provided by the NHS England Sustainable Improvement team will give every practice in England the chance to learn about proven innovations that release time for care.
  • Productive General Practice Quick Start

    Productive General Practice (PGP) Quick Start is an on-site, hands-on, short term support package for practices that forms part of a local Time for Care programme. Alongside the 10 High Impact Actions the support package provided by NHS England’s Sustainable Improvement team aims to help practices release time for care and build improvement capability.
  • Life QI

    The Life QI online platform is a project and programme management tool for quality improvement, using quality improvement approaches and techniques.
  • Reporting and Learning from patient safety incidents in general practice

    The purpose of this guide is to: • maximise opportunities to learn from patient safety incidents in your practice, and to share learning via organisational or national reporting systems • outline a process for learning from patient safety incidents in your practice. Where appropriate, this guide will signpost existing well-written resources and does not seek to replicate their content.
  • QI Ready eLearning modules

    The RCGP has produced eLearning modules to compliment the QI Ready network and self-accreditation process. There are a suite of three modules that will assist you in better understanding quality improvement methodologies.
  • Evaluation tools

    These evaluation tools can be used to help you to evaluate your quality improvement work, learning what has gone well, what could be improved, and plan the next steps of your work.
  • QI Ready self-accreditation

    QI Ready is a self approval tool to assist you in better understanding quality improvement methodologies. It offers clear examples of QI in practice and will help you to improve your knowledge and skills in this field.
  • Six principles for engaging people and communities: Definitions, evaluation and measurement

    This document is about creating person-centred, community-focussed approaches to health, wellbeing and care. It builds on the proposed new relationship with people and communities set out in the NHS Five Year Forward View
  • Evaluation: What to consider

    This guide, by The Health Foundation, is intended to assist those new to evaluation by suggesting methodological and practical considerations and providing resources to support further learning.
  • Skilled for improvement? Learning communities and the skills needed to improve care: an evaluative service development

    This report tells the story of the Learning Communities Initiative, in which an experienced research team used an action approach, combining action research and action learning, to study four improvement projects across two sites, while working with participants to facilitate the flow of knowledge and learning.
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