Integrated Care Systems: Guidance
These guidance documents published by NHS England and the Local Government Association set out how NHS leaders and organisations will operate with their partners in Integrated Care Systems (ICSs) from April 2022.Guide to setting up remote working and video consultations
This guidance provides an overview of how to set up remote working and video consultations as part of a wider model of triage first and remote consultations in primary care.Medical appraisal
This online guidance produced by NHS England give an overview of the medical appraisal process and includes information and resources to help medical appraisers carry out their roles effectively and consistently.Covid-19 Time for Care support for general practice
Time for Care for general practice offers fully funded support for practices and PCNs to implement rapid changes in response to COVID-19.Time for Care Quality Improvement for Early Career GPs
The Time for Care programme is offering a fully funded two day quality improvement workshop for early career GPs (ST3 - First-five). The two day programme for the North West region will take place in Manchester on 26 and 27 February 2020.Time for Care Quality Improvement for General Practice Nurses
Time for Care Quality Improvement for General Practice Nurses is a two day programme designed for all nurses working in general practice across North West and North East England.Time for Care learning in action programme
The Time for Care programme is at the heart of the General Practice Forward View's support for practices to redesign their care and manage demand more sustainably. Using a variety of means this initiative provided by the NHS England Sustainable Improvement team will give every practice in England the chance to learn about proven innovations that release time for care.Productive General Practice Quick Start
Productive General Practice (PGP) Quick Start is an on-site, hands-on, short term support package for practices that forms part of a local Time for Care programme. Alongside the 10 High Impact Actions the support package provided by NHS England’s Sustainable Improvement team aims to help practices release time for care and build improvement capability.A ten point action plan for General Practice Nursing
The ten point action plan for General Practice Nursing brings together key actions which aim to meet general practice workforce challenges by attracting new recruits, supporting existing GPNs and encouraging return to practice.The Edge
The Edge is a free social platform committed to finding, sharing, curating and creating the boldest and most innovative new ideas in health and care.
Search results
There are 10 resources with the publisher NHS England in the general practice hub.