• RCGP Quick guide: Fishbone diagram

    This RCGP Quick guide introduces Fishbone diagrams (also called cause and effect analysis) which are used to help to identify and display the root causes of a problem.
  • QI Ready self-accreditation

    QI Ready is a self approval tool to assist you in better understanding quality improvement methodologies. It offers clear examples of QI in practice and will help you to improve your knowledge and skills in this field.
  • Fishbone diagram for diabetes care

    If you are trying to work out why patients don’t turn up for review or why the treatment target for blood pressure is not being met, then the Fishbone diagram for diabetes care can help you.
  • Whitedboard video: Cause and effect diagrams

    In this video Dr Robert Lloyd from the Institute for Healthcare Improvement introduces cause and effect diagrams, also known as fishbone diagrams, which are used to help to identify and display the root causes of a problem.