• Personal Professional Development in Public Health or Primary Care

    The Personal Professional Development course meets the training needs of health professionals who are either interested in a career in public health or want to develop new skills in a specific area of public health, primary care or research methods.
  • Time for Care learning in action programme

    The Time for Care programme is at the heart of the General Practice Forward View's support for practices to redesign their care and manage demand more sustainably. Using a variety of means this initiative provided by the NHS England Sustainable Improvement team will give every practice in England the chance to learn about proven innovations that release time for care.
  • QI Ready eLearning modules

    The RCGP has produced eLearning modules to compliment the QI Ready network and self-accreditation process. There are a suite of three modules that will assist you in better understanding quality improvement methodologies.
  • RCGP Quick guide: Model for improvement

    The model for improvement ensures that you and your team are very clear and specific about what you want to improve and how you will know if you have been successful.
  • Whitedboard video: Model for Improvement

    In these videos Dr Robert Lloyd from the Institute for Healthcare Improvement introduces the Model for Improvement, a tool that ensures that you and your team are very clear and specific about what you want to improve and how you will know if you have been successful.
  • Model for improvement for diabetes

    Do you want to introduce a change to improve diabetes care? If so, the model for improvement for diabetes allows you to plan and test the change.
  • QI Ready self-accreditation

    QI Ready is a self approval tool to assist you in better understanding quality improvement methodologies. It offers clear examples of QI in practice and will help you to improve your knowledge and skills in this field.
  • Guide to quality improvement methods

    The guide brings together twelve quality improvement (QI) methods, providing an overview of each and practical advice on how and when to implement them, with illustrative case examples.
  • Quality improvement made simple: What everyone should know about healthcare quality improvement

    This guide, from The Health Foundation, focuses in particular at what are known as organisational or industrial approaches to quality improvement.