Optometry Excellence

Planning for the Greater Manchester Optometry Excellence Programme is well underway, with delivery due to start soon.

Optometry practices are challenged like other healthcare providers; however, they also have a unique opportunity to support the wider primary care system and secondary care ophthalmology services.

The Optometry Excellence Programme aims to support practices in need, as well as supporting the strive towards excellence by implementing successful quality improvement initiatives.  

As part of this, we expect the Optometry Excellence Programme to incorporate the following areas in a phased way (subject to funding):

  • Practice support mechanism
  • Optometry Referrals Improvement Programme
    • Analysis of referrals across Greater Manchester at practice, locality and Greater Manchester level
    • Education and training programmes
    • Practitioner level support where required
  • Digital enablement support
    • Supporting practices to engage with the EeRS Opera system
    • Supporting engagement with hospital eye services to ensure effective use of referral processes
    • Supporting practices to use images and scans gathered through specific practice technology and share using the EeRS Opera system
  • Glaucoma network
    • Bringing together practitioners across Greater Manchester with higher qualifications in glaucoma and engaged in enhanced glaucoma care to support peer discussion, development and quality improvement
  • Independent prescribers’ network
    • Bringing together independent prescribers across Greater Manchester delivering care through the urgent eye care services to support peer discussion, development and quality improvement
  • Sustainability in optometry practice 

The programme will provide useful resources, as well as data or practical support to meet the key objectives to support practices and support quality improvement. 

Look out for more information soon…