Call 999 or go to A&E in an emergency
If there’s an immediate risk of danger to life, ring 999. Individuals can also go to A&E if they are not sure they can keep themselves, or those around them safe. Specialist care is available through the on-site liaison psychiatric teams based in emergency departments.
NHS 111 mental health service
People of all ages, including children, who are in crisis or concerned family and loved ones can get support through the NHS 111 service. Call 111, select the mental health option and speak to a trained mental health professional.
NHS staff can guide callers with next steps such organising face-to-face community support or facilitating access to alternatives services, such as crisis cafés or safe havens which provide a place for people to stay as an alternative to A&E or a hospital admission.
For immediate, confidential support from trained volunteers call Samaritans on 116 123. The service is free and you can call any time day or night. Alternatively email for a reply within 24 hours.
Text “SHOUT” to 85258 to contact the Shout Crisis Text Line for 24/7 text message support.
The mental health charity Mind has information on ways to help yourself cope during a crisis. This includes calming exercises and a tool to get you through the next few hours.
Other ways to get mental health support
NHS talking therapy and counselling services
Talking therapies are available for people who need help with other mental conditions such as anxiety, depression, obsessive compulsive disorder and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and anyone can refer themselves online via or by contacting their GP.
Kooth and Qwell
Kooth (ages 10 to 25) and Qwell (age 26+) provide free, safe and anonymous online mental health support for people in Greater Manchester.
Shining a Light on Suicide
Shining a Light On Suicide aims to support anyone who is thinking about suicide or who has been affected by it. You can learn how to help someone who may be thinking of suicide by completing Zero Suicide Alliance’s free training.
Greater Manchester Resilience Hub
For more information about other support available, please visit the Greater Manchester Resilience Hub.