For GP practices and PCNs
If a GP practice or Primary Care Network (PCN) has a concern or issue regarding the delivery of a nationally commissioned pharmacy service in Greater Manchester, they should follow the steps below depending on the nature of the issue.
Concerns or issues with a specific pharmacy
Please email and include the information listed below.
The email subject title should state the name of the service(s) the concern or issue it relates to, for example ‘Pharmacy First Service issue’ or ‘Hypertension Case-finding Service issue’.
Please include the following information in the body of the email:
- GP practice name and practice code
- name and role of the person raising the issue
- if the concern is regarding a referral, the date the referral was sent
- name of pharmacy the referral was sent to
- a brief description of the issue
- if applicable, a summary of any conversations which have taken place with the patient and / or the pharmacist or pharmacy team, with dates
- a summary of any actions taken by the general practice team
A general concern not relating to a specific pharmacy
If the concern or issue is of a more general nature, please email and include the information listed below.
The email subject title should state the name of the service(s) the concern or issue it relates to, for example ‘Pharmacy First Service issue’ or ‘Hypertension Case-finding Service issue’.
A more general concern could relate to a pharmacy service, delivery of a service in a particular locality or PCN, or a trend identified in several pharmacies.
Please include the following information in the body of the email:
- GP practice name and practice code
- name and role of the person raising the issue
- a summary of the issue or concern, for example concern in a particular PCN area, a common theme, a concern about a company, or general trend with a service
- a summary of any conversations which have taken place regarding the issue or concern, who the conversation was with and when, including dates if known
- a summary of any actions taken by the general practice team
Once an email is received it will be reviewed at the next available Services Working Group (SWG) which meets on a weekly basis.
Membership of SWG consists of representatives from Greater Manchester Community Pharmacy Provider Board (CPPB), NHS Greater Manchester (NHS GM) and Community Pharmacy Greater Manchester (CPGM).
SWG will review all concerns and issues raised and take action as appropriate. Depending on the nature of the concern or issue, the general practice may or may not receive a response.
Please note, this process is for raising concerns about a specific pharmacy commissioned service only. For all other complaints or concerns, please follow the appropriate GM or national NHS guidance.