GM Primary Care Summit

Primary care providers across all four disciplines – community pharmacy, dentistry, general practice, optometry, and partners with a key role in helping to deliver the Greater Manchester Primary Care Blueprint, were invited to join the Greater Manchester Primary Summit 2024 on Thursday 21 March, 2024.

The summit was jointly hosted by Greater Manchester Primary Care Provider Board (PCB) and NHS Greater Manchester (NHS GM). 

The summit gave providers an opportunity to meet the Greater Manchester Primary Care Blueprint Delivery Unit team and hear from key leaders from community pharmacy, dentistry, general practice, optometry, Greater Manchester Primary Care Provider Board (PCB), NHS Greater Manchester (NHS GM) and the Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE) sector.

Additionally, providers were invited to attend one of four optional break-out sessions:

  • Responding well to conflict – a taster of the training for frontline staff delivered by Dr Joanna Bircher and Lorna Laflin, GP Excellence
  • Creating better partnerships in primary care – delivered by the Alternative Provider Collaborative
  • What is the purpose of primary care? – delivered by Lynn Marsland and Dr Chris Nortcliff, GMPCB
  • Developing leadership – a blueprint for leadership in primary care – delivered by Manisha Kumar, NHS GM Chief Medical Officer, Dr Claire Lake, NHS GM Deputy Chief Medical Officer and Luvjit Kandula, GMPCB Chair

Around 300 people from all disciplines of primary care as well as wider health and care partners from across the system attended the event.

Thank you to everyone who attended and to those who took part in our survey. The results of the survey can be found here.