Dental Provider Board

The purpose of the Greater Manchester Dental Provider Board is to represent providers of primary dental care through its membership, attendance and contribution to Greater Manchester Integrated Care Partnership and Greater Manchester Primary Care Provider Board (PCB), which also includes representatives from community pharmacy, general practice and optometry.

The board is chaired by Don McGrath.

The board’s purpose is to:

  • Ensure the group nominates four representatives to attend the PCB (Dental Provider Board Chair, Greater Manchester Local Dental Committee Federation Chair, and two nominated by the local dental committees or their deputies)
  • Ensure dentistry is appropriately represented during this period of significant change and devolution, including at key Greater Manchester boards and groups
  • Ensure our engagement assures receipt of early notification of the evolving and emerging strategy
  • Form a collective and influential voice
  • Bring a depth of expertise, experience, and knowledge to the PCB
  • Consult with colleagues
  • Cascade information in both directions – to the main board and our professional colleagues in order that we can give and receive feedback
  • Ensure that the Dental Provider Board plays an active role in reshaping and delivering primary care services across Greater Manchester
  • Develop a workplan that clearly outlines the direction and key priorities which are in alignment with the appropriate primary care strategy and identifies priorities that will benefit dental practices, their staff and patients in terms of value and outcomes