Drs Lisa and Sara talk to Dr Luke Wookey, Dr Joanna Bircher and Ava Bircher for an introduction to Trans and Non-Binary Health in General Practice.
The conversation begins with all important definitions, which leads us to talking about coding, healthcare records and a discussion about screening and health inequalities.
The group discuss about how our practices and consultations can be welcoming, before considering Hormone Replacement Therapy and NHS funded surgical options which are potential options for people accessing Gender Clinics. We move onto health issues that disproportionately affect Trans and Non-Binary people and discuss important resources for clinicians and patients.
A lot more could be said but we hope you will find this a useful resource for the whole Primary Care Team to access. The links to all the great resources discussed and more are also available when accessing the episode.
Listen to the podcast episode at https://www.pckb.org/e/trans-and-non-binary-health-in-general-practice.
- LGBT Foundation including links to Pride in Practice: https://lgbt.foundation/
- GMC ethical guidelines: Your rights as lesbian, gay, bi and trans patients: https://www.gmc-uk.org/Ethical-guidance/Patient-guides-and-materials/LGBT-patient-guide?utm_source=press&utm_medium=press%20release&utm_campaign=LGBT
- Royal College of General Practitioners Transgender Care: https://www.rcgp.org.uk/policy/rcgp-policy-areas/transgender-care.aspx
- TransActual UK: Supporting trans patients: A brief guide for GP surgery staff (excellent resource and links): https://www.transactual.org.uk/gp-surgery-trans
- Information for trans and non-binary patients seeking fertility treatment: https://www.hfea.gov.uk/treatments/fertility-preservation/information-for-trans-and-non-binary-people-seeking-fertility-treatment/
- Changing Name Greater Manchester LMC Guidance: https://manchesterlmc.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/LGBT-Foundation-changing-a-trans-persons-name.pdf
- Changing Name and Gender, Primary Care Support England Flow Diagram: https://pcse.england.nhs.uk/media/1291/process-for-registering-a-patient-gender-re-assignment.pdf
- Greater Manchester Indigo Gender Service: https://indigogenderservice.uk/
- Gender Identity Research and Education Society (includes eLearning packages): https://www.gires.org.uk/
- The World Professional Association of Transgender Health: https://www.wpath.org/
- The Royal College of General Practitioners Gender Variance eLearning module: https://elearning.rcgp.org.uk/course/search.php?search=transgender
- Mutual Aid Resource for trans and non binary people in Greater Manchester: https://www.consortium.lgbt/member-directory/trans-mutual-aid-manchester/
- Information about Hate Crimes, reporting them and third party Hate Crime centres: https://www.report-it.org.uk/home