The General Practice Nurse Education Network (GPNEN) is dedicated to excellence in General Practice Nursing and Education.
The Queen’s Nursing Institute (QNI) has been funded by NHS England to develop a network to support General Practice Nurses. This network is part of a number of initiatives arising from the General Practice Nursing Ten Point Plan.
The GPNEN website at provides one-stop shop of resources to support continuing professional development.
The website also provides
- guidance and resources to primary care about how the new Nursing and Midwifery Standards for student supervision and assessment are applied.
- a section on competency frameworks and commentary based on feedback from clinicians and educators about which are to be recommended.
- links to key policies from NHS England, Health Education England (HEE), NMC and Public Health England (PHE) with a brief precis where possible and also alert the network to any public consultations that may have relevance to General Practice Nursing.
- a section on standards of education and practice for GPNs. Part of the project will be to collaborate with HEE to develop standards of education and practice for university courses for nurses new to General Practice.
- a section for student nurses or those new to General Practice Nursing. This will offer an opportunity to access resources about job opportunities, terms and conditions and related issues and provide a discussion board.