Primary care is the front door to the NHS and one of the most dynamic and innovative parts of the health service. The way we access general practice is changing and much of this change is being enabled by the availability of new digital technologies.
Across Greater Manchester unlocking the full potential of the current tools and starting to integrate general practice with wider primary care is a key starting point.
In Greater Manchester, there is a belief that the most successful way to achieve change is through collaboration and partnership across the region. The Greater Manchester Integrated Care Partnership, NHS Greater Manchester (NHS GM), and Health Innovation Manchester (HInM) has developed the Greater Manchester Digital First Primary Care (DFPC) Programme, to support general practice on a digital transformation journey.

Digital First Primary Care Programme
The Digital First Primary Care (DFPC) Programme is part of a national initiative to use digital tools to give people more control over their own health and the care they receive from the NHS.
Here in Greater Manchester the DFPC Programme is building strong relationships to support effective partnership working that promotes digital technology to improve access to general practice.
The programme has established Digital Facilitators (DFs) in each of the localities across Greater Manchester.
Maximising the use and adoption of digital technology across general practice is also a key part of the Greater Manchester Primary Care Blueprint.
Effective collaborative working that is making a real difference
improving access to advice, support and treatment
changing ways of working
increasing clinical capacity

helping staff work more efficiently
boosting staff morale
driving down costs
Working together to enable change locally

Promoting digital inclusion to encourage patients to manage their care

Providing hands on advice, guidance, coaching and training
Key programme highlights include:
- extending the deployment of DFs to support business change in general practices and Primary Care Networks (PCNs)
- delivering a proof of value pilot (the Lighthouse Project) and providing learnings, best practice and a toolkit for digital general practice and PCNs
- delivering training and learning to DFs through the Academy, which is jointly provided by our partner Aqua
Effective utilisation of digital tools can improve efficiency and experience for the users and workforce of general practice, recognising that digital tools are not always the most appropriate interface for everyone in the population. GP providers, clinical colleagues and digital teams are currently working together to design digitally inclusive GP services to benefit citizens and the Greater Manchester system.
For more information, contact Kal Panchal, DFPC Programme Director,