Covid-19 Time for Care support for general practice

Practices and Primary Care Networks (PCNs) are rapidly changing how they work.
Time for Care can help you implement changes smoothly, safely and sustainably – whatever stage you are at.
Fully funded support to implement rapid changes in response to COVID-19 is available for practices and PCNs to access at no charge.

Benefits for you

  • Accelerate the launch of new models in practices and PCNs.
  • Ensure new ways of working run smoothly, safely and sustainably.
  • Free up staff time to focus on the highest priorities.
  • Help practice and PCN leads to support their teams through rapid change.

Support will be wrapped around your needs. A typical package will include the following.

  • Peer support and shared problem solving.
  • Rapid work on redesigning work and implementing change.
  • Expert coaching as you lead the team through change and uncertainty.

All support is virtual.

How can I access Time for Care?

Complete the Expression of Interest form at Time for care covid which is quick and simple to do. A member of our team will contact you to discuss your support needs.