Information about COVID-19 for primary care in Greater Manchester

Greater Manchester Health and Social Care Partnership have published information about useful resources related to COVID-19 (Coronavirus) in primary care settings across Greater Manchester.
The website at provides access to:

  • Primary Care COVID-19 Response Briefings
  • Guidance Enabling Safe Certification of Deaths in the Community Service
  • Guidance and information for Community Pharmacies
  • Details of the COVID-19 Primary Care bulletin
  • Details of the COVID-19 Primary Care Knowledge Boost Podcasts
  • Details of the RCGP COVID-19 resources, guidance and FAQs

General Practice

Regular updates to general practice regarding the emerging COVID-19 situation can be found at


Regular updates for dental teams regarding the developing COVID-19 situation can be found at

Community Pharmacy

Regular updates to community pharmacy regarding the emerging COVID-19 situation can be found at


Updates and guidance for optical settings can be found at