In the latest Primary Care Knowledge Boost (PCKB) podcast, doctors Lisa and Sarah talk to Dr Abid Ali Khan, a trainee GP trainee based in East London, about life as an international graduate in the UK. Dr Khan is currently on an NHS Regional Clinical Leadership Fellow Scheme (National Medical Director’s Clinical Fellow).
In the podcast they discuss Dr Khan’s experiences as an international medical graduate to gain an understanding of the challenges he faced coming to the UK. Dr Khan provides advice for other international medical graduates (IMGs) and those supporting them.
The podcast is a useful listen for those new to practice in the UK, as well as educational or clinical GP supervisors and anyone working in primary care.
A second episode will be released next month focusing on what practices and staff can do to help support IMGs.
Listen to the podcast episode at on the Primary Care Knowledge Boost podcast website.
Useful resources:
- General Medical Council ‘Welcome to the UK’ pack for International Medical Graduates and supervisors
- Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP) resources for International Medical Graduates
- Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP) guide for overseas doctors
- Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP) Member Forum
- Guide on working and training in the NHS
- International Medical Graduates podcasts with Dr Raykal Sim
- PCKB podcast on how general practice is funded (2024)