Become a workplace Wellbeing Champion

Register to become a workplace Wellbeing Champion and join the growing Greater Manchester Primary Care Wellbeing Champions Network at

Wellbeing Champions are people who promote, identify, and signpost ways to support the wellbeing of your colleagues. Wellbeing Champions know your work areas and colleagues, and are best placed to recognise what may work best in your team’s environment.

Wellbeing Champion roles vary across organisations, however, some roles and responsibilities may include:

  • Acting as a role model for promoting positive health and wellbeing practice within your organisation, team and department  
  • Listen to colleagues when appropriate
  • Signposting staff to the wellbeing support that is available to them
  • Providing support to health and wellbeing leads
  • Encouraging colleagues to take breaks and to look after themselves, for example: drinking plenty of fluids, lunchtime walks, taking up hobbies
  • Making sure that colleagues are taking time to reflect and be aware of their physical and mental health

Wellbeing Champions are not expected to provide advice to colleagues. Wellbeing Champions are there to listen and signpost colleagues to the services available, including if they require mental health support.

Connect5 is an incremental, three-module programme that supports the role of Wellbeing Champions in Primary Care. The programme underpins the principle of ‘Every Contact Counts’ and supports the aim of making the best use of the skills and local contacts of frontline staff.

Connect5 aims to equip all staff with the skills to support each other on a day to day basis. To register for the free Connect5 training, visit