Digital transformation across primary care in Greater Manchester


Read about the digital transformation journey of primary care in GM in a new NHS Voices blog.

Dr Chris Nortcliff explains how working with PCNs helped to develop the Digital First Primary Care strategy.

A new blog providing insight into the digital transformation journey of primary care in Greater Manchester has been published.

Dr Chris Nortcliff, the GP Digital Lead for Greater Manchester Primary Care Provider Board (PCB), has produced a blog in conjunction with NHS Confederation about the progress being made with the Greater Manchester Digital First Primary Care (DFPC) programme.

The DFPC programme is a collaboration between the PCB, the Greater Manchester Integrated Care Partnership and Health Innovation Manchester, and was formed as part of the national initiative to improve access to general practice.

The blog has been published on the NHS Confederation website via NHS Voices, which is the place for senior healthcare leaders to share ideas and debate topics through thought leadership articles.

In his first blog for NHS Voices, Chris describes how he and the DFPC team worked with two PCNs to understand the benefits of digital transformation, and how they developed a four-point strategy for the DFPC programme.