Have your say on the Primary Care Blueprint Engagement Draft  


The Primary Care Blueprint Engagement Draft is currently being circulated for feedback to be submitted by 30 June.

Once collated, all suggestions and comments will help to inform and shape a final plan for the future of primary care in Greater Manchester.

Providers across primary care are encouraged to read and submit feedback on the Primary Care Blueprint Engagement Draft. 

The document has been co-authored by Greater Manchester Primary Care Provider Board (PCB) and NHS Greater Manchester Integrated Care (NHS GM), and has been circulated to dentistry, general practice, pharmacy and optometry networks. 

It is also being discussed at all 10 Locality Boards across Greater Manchester. 

The deadline for individual or collective feedback is Friday 30 June. 

This piece of work originated from the Primary Care Summit last year and is the primary care response to the Greater Manchester Integrated Care Partnership Strategy, which was approved in March 2023, and the national Fuller Stocktake Report of May 2022, which sets out the next steps for integrating primary care. 

The purpose of this engagement draft is to provide a ‘sense’ of the ambition and vision for primary care in order to generate debate and discussion and, as such, is not intended to be prescriptive. 

All feedback is welcome from primary care professionals, wider health and care partners, colleagues from the Voluntary Community and Social Enterprise sector (VCSE) and service users, to inform and shape the final version, however, you may wish to consider the following as a guide:  

  • Have we correctly identified the priorities for delivery and if not, what should be included? 
  • If we implement the key issues set out in the document, will this make a positive difference to your experience either as a provider, service user or delivery partner? What could be added to the document to improve on this? 
  • What should be the key delivery metrics and how will they be measured? 

Please email your comments to alison.wheatley6@nhs.net by close of business on 30 June.