The latest leadership development offers from NHS North West Leadership Academy are available to access.
A range of leadership programmes, events, resources and tools are available to leaders, and aspiring leaders, working in the health and care sector across the north-west.
Support from the NHS North West Leadership Academy takes many forms and is designed to help throughout every stage of your leadership journey, either as an individual or as part of team development.
The academy also provides a number of dedicated primary care development opportunities and resources.
To access some programmes or resources, you are required to register first.
The latest available offers include:
- Healthcare Leadership Model (HLM) self-assessment – assess your leadership behaviours, and highlight areas of strength, weakness, and areas that you may need greater focus on.
- Mentoring – individual support and guidance focusing on professional development.
- Coaching – bespoke one-to-one support providing time and a safe space to reflect and consider the next steps to achieving goals and objectives.
- System leadership self-assessment – self-assessment to explore your own strengths and development areas in system leadership.
- Foundations in system leadership – covering what system leadership is, why it’s important and how you do it.
- Leadership Live Podcast Series – a range of short practical podcasts including a focus upon transformational leadership and systems leadership.
- Leadership Learning Zone (LLZ) – a suite of free e-learning modules created to support your leadership journey and improve your skills and effectiveness.
The NHS North West Leadership Academy is one of seven regional partners of the NHS Leadership Academy, providing leadership development and consultancy supporting NHS England North West’s regional workforce strategy and priorities.
You can learn more by visiting their website.