‘New access models’ support and case studies launched on the PCB website


A dedicated web page has been launched by Greater Manchester Primary Care Provider Board (PCB) to support general practice with the implementation of new access models.

The page brings together a suite of resources, support offers and case studies.

The PCB ‘new access models’ web page has been designed to provide a ‘one-stop’ easy access page where you will find a number of local and national resources, useful information and case studies about Modern General Practice access, one of the core ambitions outlined in the NHS Delivery Plan for Recovering Access to Primary Care and a key aspect of the Greater Manchester Primary Care Blueprint.

Case studies include positive examples of how different primary care providers across Greater Manchester have used innovative ideas to improve patient access and patient experience, including Middleton PCN which solved its estates issue by opening a health hub in a local shopping centre and Eccles and Irlam PCN’s new urgent appointment system which can offer anywhere up to 100 additional appointments a day across the PCN.

You will also find links to NHS resources, such as information about the National General Practice Improvement Programme (GPIP) which provides support for practices and PCNs over two years (2023-2025) to make changes and improvements to how they work.

The web page will be routinely updated, so please make sure you check it regularly for new information.

If you have any information which you would like to be included on the page, or would like to submit a case study, please get in touch: info.gmbpcb@nhs.net