New training videos to tackle uncivil behaviour in the workplace


Real-life experiences from health and care professionals will show you how to deal with inappropriate words and actions.

A series of thought-provoking videos have been produced to help NHS workers recognise and tackle uncivil behaviour.

The five short films use verbatim words to portray different scenarios that people have experienced while working in the health and social care profession.

As well as highlighting examples of inappropriate behaviour, the videos include practical ways of dealing with it from the perspective of a witness, a victim, a line manager, a first listener (someone who the victim opens up to) and a perpetrator.

The videos have been produced by NHS England North West in collaboration with Wake The Beast theatre company, and can be accessed via this Flipbook link, Flipbook PDF, or on NHS Futures, along with other helpful resources and guidance.

Research involved talking to more than 50 health and care colleagues, who were happy for their experiences to be used as examples for the videos. The scenarios are performed by actors.

The real-life scenarios are set in a hospital, a GP practice, in the ambulance sector and in a community care home.

The videos can be used by all health and care organisations to support staff training and awareness, and to help eradicate inappropriate and uncivil behaviour in the workplace.

For more information about how to use the videos in your workplace, please contact Jude Hever, NW Health & Wellbeing Manager, at

If you need further health and wellbeing support as a GM primary care provider, please contact Dominic Anderson, Primary Care Health and Wellbeing Programme Manager, Greater Manchester Primary Care Provider Board Delivery Team:

For HR support, please contact Lynn Marsland, Strategic Lead for HR, Workforce and OD, Greater Manchester Primary Care Provider Board Delivery Team: