Primary care in Greater Manchester leads national webinar on proactive care


Innovative work shared with 150 colleagues from around the UK.

Primary care colleagues from across the country tuned in to a national webinar on proactive care hosted by Greater Manchester Primary Care Provider Board (PCB), NHS Greater Manchester (NHS GM) and Peak Health Coaching.

Around 150 people joined the session to hear about the innovative work being undertaken by general practice in Greater Manchester, as part of the Proactive Care Programme.

Delivered in partnership with the three organisations, the programme is a fully-funded support package which helps Primary Care Networks (PCNs) develop new models of proactive care in the community.

The PCB’s proactive care programme manager, Andrew Binnie, posted about the programme on the FutureNHS Public Health Academy workspace, which is followed by colleagues far and wide.

The topic received so many comments that the PCB, NHS GM and Peak Health Coaching decided to showcase their work and share learning via a webinar.

A wide selection of colleagues joined the session, from GPs, nurse practitioners and social prescribers, to transformation managers, public health practitioners and representatives from the VCSE sector and NHS England.

They heard from:

  • members of the PCB Delivery Team
  • Dr Tracey Vell MBE, Chief Officer of the PCB
  • Peak Health Coaching
  • Warren Heppolette, Chief Officer for Strategy, Innovation and Population Health at NHS GM
  • members of the NHS GM data and intelligence team
  • Dr Nikesh Vallabh, the GM Proactive Care Clinical Lead


Initially launched in October 2023, the programme is on its second cohort which runs until April.

Around 30 PCNs are focusing on patients with cardiovascular disease and diabetes, linked to the NHS Beyond Core Contract (BeCCor).

Participants benefit from personalised health coaching and are encouraged to use available data, Quality Improvement (QI) methods and their existing workforce to think differently about highlighting and helping their patients to live well for longer.

The programme has generated a lot of interest outside of GM via the FutureNHS collaboration platform.

Case study

People attending the webinar heard how Swan PCN in Wigan had approached a dementia screening pilot after completing cohort one of the programme.

The PCN proactively screened 158 patients aged 70 and over with two or more risk factors – but no symptoms – for dementia.

More than 60 per cent were either borderline and highlighted for recall and assessment within six months or were indicative of cognitive impairment and referred to the local memory service.


Comments about the 90-minute webinar included:

  • “This is absolutely fantastic, so inspiring. Really appreciate you sharing this work.”
  • “Well done everyone – fantastic webinar!”
  • “This has been an absolutely brilliant webinar. Your work, approach and passion have shined through.”

Next steps

Slides from the webinar have been shared with those who attended or showed an interest in attending and a recording of the session is available via the PCB YouTube channel on request.

For information about the Proactive Care Programme, contact

You can read about cohort one and cohort two on the PCB website.

The PCB is developing a toolkit which will provide PCNs with a framework to follow when creating their own proactive care models.

Proactive care and prevention are commitments in the NHS Long-Term Plan and Greater Manchester Primary Care Blueprint.