Proactive care programme focused on CVD and diabetes


New proactive care programme will help Primary Care Networks tackle long-term conditions in their communities.

Primary Care Networks (PCNs) across Greater Manchester will learn new skills to help tackle the long-term conditions of cardiovascular disease and diabetes in their local communities.

A new proactive care programme, delivered by Greater Manchester Primary Care Provider Board (GMPCB) and NHS Greater Manchester (NHS GM) in partnership with Peak Health Coaching, will provide a package of support for around 30 PCNs.

The programme runs from June 2024 until March 2025 and features a mixture of face-to-face workshops and online support sessions, together with several months of practical work in their chosen topic.

Supporting people to live well with long-term conditions, such as cardiovascular disease and diabetes, through proactive care approaches is a key component of the Joint Forward Plan which sets out how we will deliver the Greater Manchester Integrated Care Strategy.

PCNs taking part in the programme will choose one condition to focus on and will be supported to develop person-centred approaches based on the specific needs of their local population.

They will learn how to interpret local data, develop the skills and confidence of leaders and their teams to deliver person-centred care, network with other PCNs to share learning and develop future collaboration, and make the best use of roles like link workers, care coordinators and health coaches, which fall within the Additional Roles Reimbursement Scheme (ARRS).

Ultimately, the programme aims to support PCNs to develop ways of improving patient care and outcomes, and reduce the demand on primary and secondary care.

This latest cohort follows a successful first wave of the PCB’s Proactive Care Programme which took place in 2023 and focused on dementia, frailty and high-intensity users.

For more information, please contact the PCB’s Proactive Care Programme Manager, Andrew Binnie: