Two new webinars to help GP practices


Two new webinars will take place over the next few months, as part of the GP Excellence programme.

Practices are invited to book their place on ‘Year-end planning and preparation for 23/24’ and ‘Creating a business plan’.

The GP Excellence programme is running two new webinars for practices.

Places are limited for the one-hour webinars, entitled ‘Year-end planning and preparation for 23/24’ and ‘Creating a business plan’ throughout January-March.

Both webinars will be hosted by Luan Stewart, a practice manager with 15 years’ experience in general practice and PCN Management. Luan is also a mentor for various NHS providers, a professional associate for the LMC and a peer appraiser. Luan is also a trainer for areas of practice management.

Please see below for further information and the booking links for each webinar. (Please note, there are 35 places available on each webinar and the content will be the same for each date available).

Year-end planning and preparation for 2023/24

This one-hour session gives an overview of year-end requirements. It also includes how to get through QOF maximising points. There will be a year-end action plan template and various handouts to ensure nothing is missed.


Creating a business plan

This one-hour session gives you the tools to make a business plan for your surgery, including useful templates to aid business and succession planning, which is now part of the CQC well led domain.


9-10am, Friday 9th February 2024

9-10am, Wednesday 20th March 2024

If you have any questions, please get in touch with the GP Excellence programme: