Resources are available to help promote Greater Manchester Combined Authority’s energy saving advice campaign.
Health professionals can also refer residents with long term health conditions to a government scheme for funded home energy efficiency measures.
Greater Manchester Combined Authority’s (GMCA) campaign, known as ‘Feel the Benefit’, aims to help residents better understand how upgrades to their home can help them feel warmer, boost health and wellbeing, save money on energy bills and tackle climate change.
The campaign has a particular aim of reaching vulnerable residents who might not otherwise be supported.
Poorly insulated or inefficiently heated homes have a big impact on the environment, significantly contributing to the UK’s carbon emissions. Cold homes can also be harmful to people’s health and wellbeing. They can cause respiratory conditions and cardiovascular diseases, contribute to poor mental health and worsen the effects of dementia.
Energy efficient home upgrades can help tackle these issues and lower residents’ bills. Greater Manchester residents can check their eligibility online on GMCA’s eligibility checker, entering details about their home and circumstances to find out what support they might be eligible to receive.
One scheme outlined on the eligibility checker is the government’s Energy Company Obligation Scheme 4 Flex (ECO4 Flex), which offers fully funded energy efficiency measures to people with severe or long term health conditions. Those with cardiovascular conditions, respiratory disease, limited mobility or immunosuppression, whose health is adversely affected by living in a cold home, are eligible.
People who are identified as living in a vulnerable household (according to NICE Guidance NG6: Excess winter deaths and illness and the health risks associated with cold homes) may also be eligible. Qualified health professionals can refer patients directly into the ECO4 Flex scheme. Residents can also self-refer through the eligibility checker.
A communications toolkit is available to help providers promote the campaign to residents. The toolkit includes social media assets, posters, newsletter copy, website banners and translated materials.
Further information about Feel the Benefit campaign can be found on GMCA’s website.
For any questions regarding the campaign, email: