Help inform the future development of NICE by completing a short survey


NICE reputational research survey launched.

The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) has launched a survey to help them better understand the views and experience of their audiences.

The aim of the survey is to assess how they are doing and identify opportunities to improve.

They want to hear from stakeholders who use NICE guidance, including those in the health and social care sector, life science industry, policy makers, commissioners and those working in the commissioning sector and anyone who has an interest in their work.

Help them by completing this short survey. The deadline for response is 5pm on Sunday 7 April, 2024.

The survey is hosted by an independent research company called Yonder. All feedback will be reported anonymously.

NICE is an executive non-departmental public body, sponsored by the Department of Health and Social Care. They provide national guidance and advice to improve health and social care.

Results of the survey will be presented to the NICE Board and used to inform the future development of NICE.

You can find further information about the survey on the NICE website.