Latest podcast explains new workforce wellbeing QOF indicator


Support is available to GP practices unsure how to meet the new Quality and Outcomes Framework (QOF) Quality Improvement (QI) workforce wellbeing module.

Our latest podcast delves into the principle behind this new indicator and highlights how practices can meet its requirements.

Our latest podcast focuses on how practices can meet the requirements of the new Quality and Outcomes Framework (QOF) Quality Improvement (QI) workforce wellbeing module.

Our GP Excellence team and health and wellbeing programme manager have joined forces with the Primary Care Knowledge Boost (PCKB) to discuss what the QOF indicator is and how to achieve it, why the principle behind it is intended to help with workforce wellbeing, and how to access support.

Support could include but is not restricted to: evaluation of current workforce wellbeing factors; identifying areas of improvement; create and implement an action plan; support with PCN peer review meetings; help with completing the QI monitoring template.

Practices wishing to discuss how we can support with any elements of the QOF indicator can get in touch with Dominic Anderson, Health and Wellbeing Programme Manager:

NHS England is also offering a QOF workshop on Wednesday 19 July for colleagues to discuss ideas. Please email by Monday 17 July to register your interest.

PCKB podcasts count towards your Continued Professional Development (CPD), however certificates are no longer issued.

This topic also links to the new Care Quality Commission (CQC) Quality Statement on Workforce Wellbeing and Enablement.