‘Putting on a brave face?’ is a new campaign aimed at health and care staff across Greater Manchester.
The campaign raises awareness of the Greater Manchester Resilience Hub’s staff wellbeing service.
Greater Manchester Resilience Hub has launched a new ‘brave face’ campaign to encourage health and care staff across Greater Manchester to reach out for support.
Many health and care colleagues put on a brave face to keep working through incredible pressures and challenges. Often people who are struggling put on a brave face and hide how they’re really feeling.
Sometimes it is hard to know what’s going on, or to accept it. We may feel judged or ashamed. We also don’t want to burden others and may be afraid to ask for help. Talking to someone can help process what you are going through and help you overcome the struggles you are facing.
Visit the Greater Manchester Resilience Hub page for information and read some stories from colleagues who have received support for their mental health.
You can also share your own stories with @PennineCareNHS on social media using #BraveFace.
The Hub offers confidential, emotional and wellbeing support related to work-related stress, anxiety, covid-related concerns, fatigue or exhaustion, relationships difficulties, and mental health concerns.