An online event to launch the GM Primary Care Blueprint has been deferred.
The blueprint was approved in September and will continue to be publicised over the next few weeks.
An online event to launch the Greater Manchester Primary Care Blueprint on Friday, 20 October has been deferred until the new year.
A date will be published in the next few weeks for a more interactive event, which will include more detail around how the blueprint will be delivered and the support available.
The blueprint was approved at a meeting of the Greater Manchester Integrated Care Partnership (GM ICP) at the end of September and leaders from the ICP and primary care marked the occasion with an official signing and endorsement of the blueprint document.
The blueprint sets out the primary care contribution to the delivery of the GM ICP Strategy, describing how we will address the needs of our citizens.
Elements will be highlighted in various formats and forums over the coming weeks and months.
This includes case studies which reflect the amount of hard work and innovation that is going on across our primary care in GM.
News about the five-year plan was announced to the public on Thursday, 19 October. You can read the article, which includes a comment from PCB chair, Luvjit Kandula, on the GM Integrated Care website. This also includes a link to the full blueprint document.
In addition, a briefing note has been issued to wider stakeholders explaining what the blueprint hopes to achieve.