Development opportunity proves popular with practice managers and assistant practice managers.
The PCB’s group mentorship programme got off to a flying start, with a host of people embarking on their development journey.
Two cohorts of the programme completed their first session on Monday 13 and Tuesday 14 January with trainer Luan Stewart.
Participants will complete four sessions over the course of the programme, covering time management, finance, HR challenges and building resistance.
The programme was advertised to practice managers and assistant practice managers in December – who were asked to submit an expression of interest – and within two weeks we had received 52 applications for 24 places.
Due to such a positive response, plans are already being made for a third cohort to take place before May.
Those taking part in the course represent all 10 localities in Greater Manchester.
Read more about the course description on the PCB website.
The programme is funded by the Greater Manchester General Practice Provider Board (GPB), which forms part of the Greater Manchester Primary Care Provider Board (PCB).
Luan Stewart is a Practice Manager with over 15 years’ experience in general practice and PCN Management. She is a mentor for various NHS providers, an associate for the LMC and a peer appraiser. Luan is also a trainer for areas of practice management.